Gotta Get You Into My Glass

From Shaun Keaveny's Community Garden Radio
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Gotta Get You Into My Glass is a song by Shaun Keaveny. It is a parody of the Beatles song, 'Gotta Get You into My Life' from the album 'Revolver'. It was first broadcast on Episode 029 on Friday 8th July 2022.

Following the broadcast, Shaun introduced the song on Twitter[1] as "Macca reckons Got To Get You Into My Life was a love song to marijuana. What if he had given the classic song treatment to beer? No-one wondered. Except me. "Got To Get You Into My Glass"."


"You're refreshing and foamy
You're the Marge to my Homie
You are just the best drink in the world

Got to get you into my glass"

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